
Beef fillet, Marmite mash & roasted cabbage


Prep: 30 mins
Cook: 25 mins
Easy Serves 2


400g beef fillet, cut from the middle of the
whole fillet
25g butter
½ pointed or hispi cabbage, cut in half through
the middle
600g King Edward or Maris Piper potatoes
100ml whole milk or double cream, or use 50ml

For the Marmite butter
100g unsalted butter, softened
2 tsp Marmite


Step 1

First, make the Marmite butter. Beat the butter with the Marmite
until completely combined, then mix in a large pinch of sea salt.
Chill until needed. Can be made up to a day ahead.

Step 2

Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Season the beef fillet
well. Heat the butter in an ovenproof frying pan until sizzling, and
brown well all over – this should take about 10 mins. When it’s
well browned and has a crust, move the beef to one side of the
pan and lay the cabbage, cut-side down, in the other side. Press
down on the cabbage to sear it, then baste with some of the
butter in the pan. Put the pan in the oven and roast, turning the
beef fillet every 5 mins or so. The beef will be cooked rare in 15
mins, 20 mins for medium-rare, or 25 mins for medium. When the
beef is cooked to your liking, remove from the pan to a board, and
leave to rest for 10 mins. Return the cabbage to the oven while
the beef rests and you make the mash.

Step 3

Tip the potatoes into a pan of cold salted water, bring to the boil,
then reduce the heat and simmer for 10-12 mins until cooked
through. Drain. Tip the milk or cream into the saucepan and heat,
add the potatoes and mash with a potato masher, then beat in
half the Marmite butter.

Step 4

Carve the beef fillet into thick slices, drizzle over the resting
juices and serve with the mash, charred cabbage and the
remaining Marmite butter on the side.


Chocolate-dipped strawberries

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